How your support helps
We can’t stop breast cancer from happening, but together we can help make sure it is caught at an earlier stage. Leave a gift in your will to CoppaFeel!. Change the story of breast cancer for future generations to come.
More young people than ever before are being diagnosed with breast cancer, but for too many the diagnosis comes too late. We’re educating, encouraging and empowering young people to get to know their body and advocate for themselves so they can spot any unusual changes and contact their GP before it’s too late. We do this because when breast cancer is diagnosed early, treatments are more effective and the chances of a positive outcome are higher.
Knowing your chest could save your life, and leaving a gift in your will to CoppaFeel! could create a lasting legacy and save the lives of many. Together, we can change the story and create a world where all young people diagnosed with breast cancer have a chance at a full and happy life.
There are many incredible people helping us stamp out the late detection of breast cancer. Sue is one of them. Watch her powerful story to find out why she’s decided to leave a gift in her will to CoppaFeel!.
We can’t stop breast cancer from happening, but together we can help make sure it is caught at an earlier stage. Leave a gift in your will to CoppaFeel!. Change the story of breast cancer for future generations to come.
Writing a will is a hugely personal process, and a great way to share your wishes and look after your loved ones after you’re gone. Here are some of the steps involved.
We’ve partnered with Farewill to help you write or update your will for free, in as little as 15 minutes. There’s no obligation to leave a gift to CoppaFeel!, but we’d be grateful if you chose to support us once your loved ones have been provided for.
Being an executor can feel challenging, so we’ve put together some information to help while you’re dealing with a will that includes a gift to CoppaFeel!.
If you die without a will, there are certain rules which dictate how the money, property or possessions should be allocated. This may not be the way that you would have wished your money and possessions to be distributed.
If you’re a parent…
Writing a will is the best way to have a say over what happens when you die. This is incredibly important if you have children under 18, as it allows you to state who you want to be their legal guardian if anything happens to you. Without a will, the courts could be left to decide who looks after them.
If you’re a homeowner…
Writing a will also allows you to set out how you want to divide up your estate, including any property or accounts you own. You can make an inventory of your assets and choose exactly how much you want people to inherit, helping to prevent any family disputes when you’re gone.
Unmarried partners and partners who have not registered a civil partnership cannot inherit from each other unless there is a will, so the death of one partner may create serious financial problems for the remaining partner.
Not at all. There is no obligation to leave a gift to CoppaFeel! in your will. This service is here to help you. However, if you are able to leave a small share of whatever’s left, after supporting friends and family, to the causes you are passionate about, this is one of the biggest differences you can make to help ensure all breast cancer in young people are diagnosed early and accurately. We view that as a pretty powerful legacy to leave for future generations.
You can choose to leave a gift of any financial value to CoppaFeel! The most common gift types are referred to as pecuniary gifts or residuary gifts. Pecuniary gifts are a set amount, eg, £1,000 and this will not take into account inflation, or the total value of your estate. Residuary gifts are a percentage of your estate, eg, 5% of your total estate. If you’re not sure of what your total estate value might be we would recommend leaving a residuary gift as this is future proofed to any changes in your estate value throughout your life.
Of course! You are welcome to support as many causes as you are passionate about. Your estate is exactly that, yours. You have total control on how you choose to divide your assets. This is entirely about sharing your wishes.
Yes. Our free-will provision enables you to create a joint will.
Yes. It is important to ensure that you update your will to reflect any big changes to your wishes or estate, for example you have a new child, you get engaged, married or divorced or you buy or sell a property. Farewill offer changes to your will. After writing a will with Farewill, you can log back into your account at any time to update your will. Simply navigate to the section you want to update and make your changes. Then, when you’re done, click the button on the summary page to send your will for checking.
Let’s face it we’ve all been taught that there is no such thing as a free lunch. However there really is no catch or hidden agenda to using our free will writing service. Here at CoppaFeel! we are incredibly passionate about the importance of sharing your wishes to give you peace of mind for the future. However, if you do choose to leave a gift to CoppaFeel! in your will you will be building the legacy of our work and making sure that we can continue to stamp out the late detection of breast cancer for years to come.
The most common gift types are referred to as pecuniary gifts or residuary gifts. Pecuniary gifts are a set amount, eg, £1,000 and this will not take into account inflation, or the total value of your estate. Residuary gifts are a percentage of your estate, eg, 5% of your total estate. If you’re not sure of what your total estate value might be we would recommend leaving a residuary gift as this is future proofed.
No, a will also allows you to set out your wishes for guardianship of any dependents, this is not just children but also beloved pets!
Our online will writing service also lets you include funeral wishes in your will. This step is completely optional, but it can really help to prevent family disputes over your funeral when you’re gone.
You can choose your final resting place, set out what kind of funeral you want, and you can even select songs for the ceremony. And while these wishes aren’t legally binding like other parts of your will, they can really help your family know that they’re making the right decisions when you’re gone.
You need to be 18 years old or older to make a legally valid will. You can of course document your wishes yourself before this age but unfortunately you cannot use our online will writing service (yet!).
No. Our free will provision is for all of our supporters, regardless of your personal connection to breast cancer. The chances are if you are reading this information you are someone who is passionate about stamping out the late detection of breast cancer and changing the story of a young person facing a breast cancer diagnosis. We do not believe that you should have to wait for cancer to affect your personal sphere before you decide to take action and create positive change.
Thank you so much for considering supporting our life-saving work in such an incredible way. We are so grateful to be part of your lasting legacy. Here is some key information to share with your solicitor.
If you have any questions at all or just want to chat through your options do get in touch with Zsuzsi, our Individual Giving Manager. Zsuzsi would love to hear about your legacy and support of CoppaFeel! (but won’t be able to offer any legal advice.) / 07796 951592