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More young people than ever before are being diagnosed with breast cancer, but for too many the diagnosis comes too late. We’re educating, encouraging and empowering young people to get to know their body and advocate for themselves so they can spot any unusual changes and contact their GP before it’s too late. We do this because when breast cancer is diagnosed early, treatments are more effective and the chances of a positive outcome are higher. 

Knowing your chest could save your life, and leaving a gift in your will to CoppaFeel! could create a lasting legacy and save the lives of many. Together, we can change the story and create a world where all young people diagnosed with breast cancer have a chance at a full and happy life.

Write your will for free

Sue's Story

There are many incredible people helping us stamp out the late detection of breast cancer. Sue is one of them. Watch her powerful story to find out why she’s decided to leave a gift in her will to CoppaFeel!.

Watch here

An image of Sue

Gifts in wills FAQs

Get in touch about leaving a gift in your will

If you have any questions at all or just want to chat through your options do get in touch with Zsuzsi, our Individual Giving Manager. Zsuzsi would love to hear about your legacy and support of CoppaFeel! (but won’t be able to offer any legal advice.) / 07796 951592


Get in touch about leaving a gift in your will

Get in touch about leaving a gift in your will

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