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Breast cancer in young people is not rare. Despite more young people than ever being diagnosed with breast cancer, it is still often stereotyped as a disease that only affects older women. This is dangerous, it leads to complacency, false security and young people being wrongly dismissed when they require medical support. It leads to breast cancer diagnoses that come too late. 

We can’t stop breast cancer from happening, but together we can make sure it is caught at an earlier stage when treatments are more effective and survival rates are higher. By leaving a gift in your will to CoppaFeel!, you’ll be changing the story of breast cancer for future generations. We receive no government funding, so remembering CoppaFeel! in your will is the most powerful way to show your support and create a future where no one has to hear the words “it cannot be cured”. 

Your lasting legacy will enable CoppaFeel! to educate more young people about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, encourage them to check their chest every month, and empower more young people to speak to a GP and advocate for themselves if they notice any unusual changes. 

We have made amazing progress in the last 15 years, but there is still more work to be done. We need to reach more young people, we need to save more lives. A gift in your will today means that we’ll be here for many years to come. Today and tomorrow. For all young people facing a breast cancer diagnosis. 

Write a will for free

No gift is too small, and your kindness will leave a lasting impact.

Let us know if you’re leaving a gift in your will to CoppaFeel!

Thank you for remembering CoppaFeel! in your will. Your kindness means the world to us, and we’d love to chat with you more about how we can celebrate your incredible legacy in your lifetime. If you’d like to leave a gift in your will, please reach out to Zsuzsi Kiss, our Individual Giving Manager on or 07796951592.

Get in touch about leaving a gift in your will

If you have any questions at all or just want to chat through your options do get in touch with Zsuzsi, our Individual Giving Manager. Zsuzsi would love to hear about your legacy and support of CoppaFeel! (but won’t be able to offer any legal advice.) / 07796 951592


Get in touch about leaving a gift in your will

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