Bar Manager | London
If there’s one piece of advice I’d give to my younger self, it would be this. Ten years ago I was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer, aged 23. I had been unaware that breast cancer could affect people in their twenties and knew very little about the disease. I’m not sure I realised it at the time, but finding out I had cancer forced me to confront an unexpected choice. Let life happen to me? Or grab on and try to change it? I chose the latter.
Together with my twin sister Maren (and some friends) I set up a charity, CoppaFeel! In the ten years since, we’ve talked boobs and pecs with people across the nation and given young people the tools they need to be proactive about their health and their future.
You’ll only get one life, so grab on to it, the highs, the lows and your wonderful body. Click the button below to get the low down on checking and how CoppaFeel! can remind you. It could save your life.
Kris Hallenga, CoppaFeel! Co-Founder
For our 10th birthday, we’re not looking back to see how far we’ve come. We’re celebrating how we’ve helped changed people’s futures. Because grabbing life by the boobs isn’t just an attitude, it’s the best way of getting to know your body and putting the future in your hands.