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Changing The Face of Breast Cancer


We’re #ChangingTheFaceOfBreastCancer, to debunk stereotypes of what ‘someone with breast cancer’ looks like. In Brodie, Anisa and Shannon’s case, they were all diagnosed with breast cancer between the ages of 21-24. You’re never too young to start checking your chest, it could save your life.

Dicover more about our Changing The Face of Breast Cancer campaign

Previous Campaigns

We’ve been keeping ourselves pretty busy since 2009. Did you know that we set a World Record for the most amount of money raised during a half marathon? Or that we’ve hijacked the Angel of the North’s boobs? Or even helped create the first male breast cancer awareness campaign? Nope? Well, it’s time to take a trip down mammary lane…


The Chest Checklist

We partnered with Black Women Rising after discovering that mainstream cancer services were not inclusive enough in providing adequate support tailored to the Black and Ethnic Community.

The Chest Checklist aims to drive awareness and educate Black women on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, empowering them to seek medical advice if they notice any unusual changes.

Find out more about our Chest Checklist campaign


Know Yourself

Anyone can be affected by breast cancer, but a quarter of young people don’t realise they are at risk. It’s why we launched our campaign to encourage you to get to Know Yourself. Know your body, know it’s quirks, know how it changes, and if you notice something unusual for you, speak to your GP.

Find out more about Know Yourself campaign


Grab Life By the Boobs

For our 10th birthday, we’re didn’t look back to see how far we’d come. We celebrated how we’ve helped changed people’s futures. Because grabbing life by the boobs isn’t just an attitude, it’s the best way of getting to know your body and putting the future in your hands.

You’ll only get one life, so grab on to it, the highs, the lows and your wonderful body. Click below to find out more.

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Trust Your Touch

Touch is amazing. It is one of our most finely tuned senses and one that allows us to interact with and explore the world around us. So our message is simple, we want you to Trust Your Touch. Our hands do so many weird and wonderful things each day, and we think checking your boobs should be one of them.

From kneading dough, to bouncing a basketball or stroking a puppy, the goal of our campaign is simple: to demonstrate the amazingness of touch by delving into the close up world of hands, getting down to their tactile, intimate scale.

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Our goal? To challenge the misconception that breast cancer only starts with a lump. We teamed up with some well known friends of CoppaFeel! to educate young people about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and remind them to get it off their chest and speak to a GP if they notice unusual changes.

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What Normal Feels Like

What words would you use if we asked you to describe your boobs? Big? Small? What about if we asked you to tell us how they feel? We realised it was a question that not enough women could answer as they weren’t checking regularly. So in 2014 we launched a new campaign, #WhatNormalFeelsLike to get people thinking about (and feeling) their boobs. We collaborated with Rankin to photograph seven bare-chested ladies whose naked breasts graced billboards across the UK – a worldwide first.

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Coppafeel in the Shower

What do you think about in the shower? the night before? What you’re going to have for breakfast perhaps? Our third campaign, which we launched in the Summer of 2012, asked people to show their boobs some love, whilst covered insuds. The campaign kicked off at festivals throughout the UK, where we asked revelers to step inside ‘Gazeboob’ and super-imposed them into a shower, shower caps on and loofahs in hand. In return for shower-themed tattoos and wristbands, we asked everyone to sign up to our monthly text reminders and sent them on their way with one of our waterproof shower stickers.


Hello Boobs

We wanted the people of great Britain to get better acquainted with their boobs… by introducing themselves to them. We remastered the original 1994 Wonderbra ‘Hello Boys’ advert – with the thumbs up from the original designer – and launched nationally on over 70 48-sheet billboards in London and Birmingham.

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Boob Hijack

We’ve never done things by halves, so for our first ever campaign in 2010 we pledged to hijack every pair of boobs (and pecks) in the UK. For breast cancer awareness month 160,000 specially designed ‘Boob Hijack’ stickers were placed on every pair of boobs in sight- think people, posters, statues, mannequins, David Gandy. We hijacked a football match, Lorraine Kelly live on her show and even culminated with us projecting boobs onto the Angel of The North.

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