We’re Eight. And very sentimental, apparently.
Here we are, eight years down the line, still banging on about bangers – and for a very good reason. Since the day that we were granted charity status way back in 2009, we’ve been to festivals across the country, brought our message to schools, offices, bras and shower-cubicles, produced some epic campaigns…. and some slightly suspect ones, (we’re talking about you, Bang-babes takeover). It’s fair to say, we’ve learnt a LOT along the way.
Undoubtedly the highlight has been having the opportunity to meet so many passionate, courageous, kind, kick-ass and totally like-minded people along the way. From our Boobettes to the students in our Uni Boob Teams, our countless fundraisers to the fabulous people and brands who lend their time, skills and services to ensure everyone survives this disease, It is because of people like you that we’ve been able to shout louder than our size and ensure more young people are living a life beyond cancer.
Despite that, we’re not ready to hang up our socks just yet, and we hope you’re not either. Too many people are still dying due to late detection of breast cancer. In the last 12 months we lost four of our wonderful Boobettes, Laura, Sarah, Vashti and Alex. These were young women who had dedicated their time to making sure the boob-checking gospel got heard loud and clear, despite the fact they all lived with secondary cancer, meaning it was too late for them to benefit from our message. It is vital for us to continue the work they started and prevent what happened to them becoming a reality for others. We could not have come this far without your help and cannot do this without your continued support. If you can spare a few quid each month, become a regular giver, help us ensure everyone survives this disease and know you’ve given us the best birthday present EVER.