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So, picture this: the Yorkshire Dales, a bunch of past CoppaTrek! champs, and one epic mission—to end the late detection of breast cancer. Led by our Trek Queen Giovanna Fletcher, around 350 trekkers took to complete either a half marathon or marathon distance, here’s what we got up to…

Trekking magic & glitter skies:

As night fell on our first evening of camping before we took on the trek, something truly magical happened. The northern lights cast an ethereal glow of pinks & purples over our campsite. For many, it felt like a sign from Kris, as if she was glittering the sky for us, reminding us of her presence and why we were trekking.

Throughout the challenge, we trekked with the memory of Kris, our founder. Kris’ vision and passion will always drive our determination to stamp out late detection of breast cancer. With each step, we honoured Kris’ legacy and reaffirmed our commitment to the cause she held dear. 

Trekking through the Yorkshire Dales

We donned our signature CoppaFeel! Glitter, strapped on our walking boots and set off to take on either a half marathon or full marathon trek. From there we soaked in the sunny scenery, reminisced with past trekking pals and may have asked one too many times ‘Are we there yet…’ as we took on the challenge. Guided by our awesome Charity Challenge crew, it was bound to be one heck of an adventure. We were all ready to conquer those trails and create some epic memories along the way. 

Crossing the finish line was a celebration of resilience, strength, and unwavering support for our vital mission. With cheers echoing through the Yorkshire Dales, trekkers were greeted with their medals, a well-deserved celebratory ice cream (covered in edible glitter!) and a hearty meal, shared amongst kindred spirits.

To all who joined us for the CoppaTrek! Alumni Challenge, thank you for your unwavering support, your boundless enthusiasm, and your relentless dedication to CoppaFeel!’s mission. Together, we have taken another step forward in the journey towards early breast cancer detection. Until we meet again on the trails, let us cherish the memories made and continue to champion this vital cause, one step at a time. Massive props to all you legends! 

Get involved!

Fancy getting involved and joining team CoppaFeel! On a trek? Sign up to our CoppaTrek 1 day challenge taking place in the beautiful Peak District alongside our resident Queen of Treks Giovanna Fletcher. 

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