July is Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Month (EMCAM), an opportunity to shine a light on the health inequities faced by the global majority, people of colour and ethnic minority folk.
At CoppaFeel! we talk a lot about health inequities not health inequalities as many marginalised people face imbalances of breast cancer awareness, diagnostics, outcomes and treatments that stem from avoidable factors. Inequities can be social, cultural, physical, systemic that mean you are additionally disadvantaged. Our job is to prioritise the people who have worse health outcomes and are in greatest need of our message, as well as, working to dismantle any barriers so that all breast cancers in young people are diagnosed early and accurately.
Statistics around health inequities
Image description: Young Black & South Asian people are less likely to think breast cancer could happen to them (source 7stars & CoppaFeel! research 2024)

Image description; Black and South Asian people have been shown to have a lower awareness of breast cancer signs and symptoms and are less-likely to check their chests monthly. (source 7stars & CoppaFeel! research 2024)
Organisations to support this Ethnic Minority Cancer Awareness Month
This month we’re sharing a few of the brilliant organisations and campaigns that do incredible work in this space. Show them your support:
Black Women Rising, a project set up by Leanne Pero, that offers vital help, information and practical advice for people of colour who have been diagnosed with cancer.
South Asian Supernovas who exist to improve awareness & outcomes for South Asian Communities by educating healthcare professionals, unravelling cultural conditioning and empower all South Asian people.
Cancer Education UK who focus on raising cancer awareness within Black, Asian and ethnically minoritised people, refugees and those from low socio-economic communities.
CAHN (Caribbean & African Health Network) who address long-standing health inequalities disadvantaging people of Black Caribbean and African heritage.
London Inspire who support the health of Black Londoners
RadChat, the first therapeutic radiographer led oncology podcast, where they educate, share stories from people living with and beyond cancer and discuss important topics on equality, diversity and inclusion
Chai Cancer Care, is the Jewish community’s national cancer support organisation