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Stay peachy with our Brand Breastie Skinny Tan

Stop press! We’re delighted to share that our brilliant partners Skinny Tan are supporting CoppaFeel! with the launch of their brand new Peach Whipped Self-Tanner.

Since we partnered last year, we’ve been spreading the message of getting to know your body whilst tanning. Now, you can purchase this brand new product, which not only looks great, it smells good enough to eat!

You can choose to purchase the tanner (for which a £1 donation will be made to CoppaFeel! for the whole of March), or even better, pick up the product in one of Skinny Tan’s exclusive bundles.  Our personal fave is the Perfect Pair bundle, which contains both the Pink and Peach Whipped Self-Tanners and a mitt, with a £2.50 donation being made to support our mission.

So, what are you waiting for? Try it out on your next #TitsAndTanning Thursday!


Visit The CoppaFeel! Self-Checkout

We know it can feel like there’s a lot to learn when you’ve never checked before, or don’t have much experience of it. But we’ve got simple tips and easy-to-use tools to help you get to know what’s normal for you.

Visit the Self Checkout

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Too many young lives are lost to breast cancer. An early diagnosis can be the difference between life and death. Change the story of a young person diagnosed with breast cancer. Make a gift to CoppaFeel! and save a young life.

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