It’s been just over a year since we started working with today’s Boob Champs, and in that time the team at Avon have gone above and beyond in the name of norks. They’ve helped to raise over £80k, hosted more than 1300 boob brunches, brought our Festifeel workshops to life AND managed to fit in time to schmooze with Dr Alex. But the best thing of all? We’ve had the chance to work with a team who’re up for giving almost anything a shot, love boob-chat just as much as we do and who are deeply passionate about educating young people across the nation and ensuring everyone has the best possible chance of surviving breast cancer. Legends, the lot of them.
[cf-video-modal type=”vimeo” link=”https://vimeo.com/304341380″ colour=”blue” button_text=”Thank You Avon”]