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My name is Emilia and I am the Uni Boob Team leader at Edge Hill University. I started my work with CoppaFeel! after finding them on Instagram. My grandma is a breast cancer survivor and I now know how lucky I am to still have her with us.

The Uni Boob Team has been an absolutely amazing thing to lead! Every individual member brought something different to the table. To be part of something like CoppaFeel!, where you are raising awareness of breast cancer in such a fun way is absolutely incredible! You are able to be creative and encouraging, but also empowering and educational. It’s just a whole range of skills!

Thinking of joining? Here are four reasons why you should become your university’s next Uni Boob Team leader: 


There is no better community

These people are amazing! You find when you’re running a Uni Boob Team that everyone is there for the same reason and is so supportive and giving. You really feel this through the friendships that you make – I can’t live without half of my team now – they are all amazing! CoppaFeel! equals community – you well and truly feel like a valued member of the charity when you are part of the Uni Boob Team.


You are making a huge difference

Whilst I have been a Uni Boob Team leader, so many people have commented on what an impact we are making in the community, from handing out shower hangers, to raising valuable funds, to appearing at every event we can – our boob costumes (nicknamed Bob & Barry) are practically our university’s mascots at this point!


Do it for you!

Being in this role has allowed me to develop so many skills that I would never have done before, such as handling money, planning events, and working with lots of teams across my university and beyond.


Be prepared to receive so much love!

You speak to so many different people who are in many different stages of their chest-checking journey, and these conversations are huge in people’s lives! We receive multiple messages weekly in our team from people thanking us for all the amazing things we’ve been doing.

You have the power to access so many young people at university, more than any other place, which means you can spread CoppaFeel!’s message far and wide! I wanted to extend a huge open arm to anyone considering joining the Uni Boob Team!


Uni Boob Team Leaders are the very important folk responsible for rallying our teams of students to bring boob-love to campuses across the UK. As a Uni Boob Team Leader, you have two main goals:
  • Recruit a team of students to help you spread the CoppaFeel! message on-campus
  • Get students talking about and checking their chests.

You will empower students to get to start a healthy habit and get to know their chests in all sorts of fun and original ways!

Find out more about our work in universities

A woman from one of our university boob teams picture outside wearing a boob suit holding her hands in the air

All the latest at coppafeel!


The Chest Checklist!

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