Another year, another Asda Tickled Pink BCAM in the (shopping) bag!
Throughout October we’ve seen customers, colleagues, suppliers and celebs come together to encourage everyone to check their boobs, pecs, or chests.
In stores across the UK, Asda colleagues have been raising awareness of Tickled Pink and encouraging everyone to check their chests throughout October and beyond. This, alongside their creative fundraising ideas (head shaves, dunks, walks, and waxes) makes a huge difference us and to our amazing community.
Alongside these efforts, we launched The Real Self Checkout campaign which champions the notion that the most important checkout is one you do to yourself. To provide extra reminders to shoppers, we hung signage and POS in stores with familiar receipt artwork, marked Asda till receipts with the ‘bra code’, and even created a social video bringing a real self checkout to life!
Members of our community helped us amplify this message by getting involved in many different elements of our campaign, whether that was sharing their personal experiences of breast cancer, taking part in our ‘Real Self Checkers’ photoshoot or designing their own ‘affirmation t-shirts’ with George at Asda. And in true Tickled Pink style, we brought everyone together at our annual BCAM event to celebrate a brilliant year of putting breast cancer awareness on everyone’s list.
So a huge thank you to everyone involved, we couldn’t do it without you.